Résultat positif pour le BEZAFIBRATE dans la Cholangite Biliaire PrimitiveC. Corpechot. Paris. A 2-year multicenter double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study of bezafibrate for the treatment of biliary primary cholangitis in patients with inadequate biochemical response to ursodeoxycholic acid therapy (Bezurso)
Facteurs de croissance dans l’HAA, une nouvelle thérapeutique ?Efficacy of grannulocyte colony stimulating factor in the management of steroid non-responsive severe alcoholic hepatitis - A double blind randomised control trial., Saggere Muralikrishna Shasthry. New Dehli. Inde.
La lipogénèse de novo : une nouvelle cible thérapeutique dans la NASHEJ. Lawitz. San Antonio. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) inhibitor GS-0976 leads to suppression of hepatic de novo lipogenesis and significant improvements in MRI-PDFF, MRE, and markers of fibrosis after 12 weeks of therapy in patients with NASH
Prise en charge endoscopique des sténoses de la VBP dans la CSPC. Ponsioen. Amsterdam. Abstract GS-002. Multicenter randomized trial comparing short-term stenting versus balloon dilatation for dominant strictures in primary sclerosing cholangitis., M. Peiseler. Hambourg. Abstract PS-008. Endoscopic treatment in patient with primary sclerosing cholangitis and established cirrhosis is not associated with an increased rate of complications.,
Un nouvel argument en faveur de l’introduction précoce de la terlipressine dans le SHRJoo Hyun Soh, Séoul, Corée. A prospective, randomized, multicenter and phase 3b study to evaluate the efficacy of terlipressin and albumin in cirrhotic patients with ascites and acute kidney injury in the range of serum creatinine between 1.5 mg and 2.5 mg/dl: interim analysis. EASL 2017. PS-015,
Un traitement antiviral C de 8 semaines pour le génotype 3 ?Graham R. Foster, London - ENDURANCE-3: safety and efficacy of glecaprevir/pibrentasvir compared to sofosbuvir plus daclatasvir in treatment-naïve HCV genotype 3-infected patients without cirrhosis
Le retour de la midodrine ?Midodrine and albumin for prevention of complications of cirrhosis in patients in the waiting list for liver transplantation. A randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial., Elsa Sola, Barcelone, Espagne. PS-016