RF pancréatique : vers un traitement local des tumeursM. Barthet, EUS-guided radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (TNE) and pre-malignant intraductal pancreatic mucinous tumor (IPMN): first results of of prospective multicenter study.
Enfin un traitement efficace du SII !Carla FLIK. Preliminary results of a Randomized Controlled Trial on hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (the IMAGINE study)
Hépatocholangiocarcinome : la chimio c’est OKMaeva Salimon, France - Gemcitabine and platinium based chemotherapy for the first line treatment of hepatocholangiocarcinoma : an AGEO muticenter retrospective study
Maladie de Crohn : restons CALMJ.Colombel, Superior endoscopic and deep remission outcomes in adults with moderate to severe Crohn's disease managed with treat to target approach versus clinical symptoms: data from CALM
Probiotiques et TFI ? C’est bientôt automatique !Cremon, Cesare, Bologne - OP 283 Effect of Lactobacillus CNCM I-1572 on symptoms, gut microbiota, short chain fatty acids, and immune activation in patients with irritable bowel syndrome : a randomized clinical trial.
Un accès « simplifié » à la papille après by pass gastriqueM.Bukhari, An international, multicenter, comparative trial of EUS-guided gastrogastrostomy-assisted ERCP versus enteroscopy-assisted ERCP in patients with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass anatomy
Surveillance du cancer : Pas de PET dans le colon !Iradj SOBHANI, Créteil - Follow up fo colorectal cancer (CCR) patients including 18FDGPET-CT (PET-CT) : an open-label multicenter randomized trial (Clinical Trial : NCT 00624260)
« Remettez moi une dose d’infliximab »D.Drobne, Infliximab trough levels above 7 μg/ml in inflammatory bowel disease treated with infliximab: better control of inflammation without increased risk of infection
Duette® et EBO : une résection en toute sécurité !K. Belghazi, Safety of the six-shooter multi-band mucosectomy device for endoscopic resection in Barrett's esophagus in 4327 resections: a retrospective international multi center study.
Un vaccin contre la maladie cœliaque ou comment apprivoiser le système immunitaireSafety and tolerability, immunological and intestinal effects, and pharmacokinetics (PK) of dose titration preceding maintenance doses of Nexvax2® in HLA-DQ2.5+ celiac disease (CeD), , A. Daveson H. Ee J. Andrews T. King K. Goldstein L. Williams A. Treohan M. Cooreman R. Anderson, , Presentation Number, OP118,
Physiopathologie de la maladie diverticulaire : une nouvelle piste ?CALCITONIN GENE-RELATED PEPTIDE INNERVATING ENTERIC PLEXUSES IS DOWNREGULATED IN DIVERTICULAR DISEASE: IMPLICATIONS FOR PATHOGENESIS, , J. Lukosiene A. Pauza K. Rysevaite-Kyguoliene J. Kupcinskas Z. Saladzinskas A. Tamelis N. Pauziene, , Presentation Number, OP202,
Epidémiologie des hépatocholangiocarcinomes françaisSalimon, Maeva, Nantes-Epidemiological study of histologically proven advanced hepatocholangiocarcinoma : an AGEO multicenter retrospective study in France.
Eradication d’H. Pylori : modification des profils de résistance du microbiote intestinalThe abundance of antibiotic resistance genes in human guts after H. pylori eradication therapy, , S. Malanin D. Safina D. Khusnutdinova I. Vasilyev T. Grigoryeva M. Siniagina M. Markelova E. Boulygina S. Abdulkhakov R. Abdulkhakov V. Chernov, , Presentation Number, OP200,
Le ballon intra gastrique: trick or treats ?Intragastric balloon-induced weight loss prior to surgery in super-obese patients – a single center experience, , I. Mocanu A. Laranjo S. Pires N. Veloso I. Medeiros M. Rocha S. Silva M. Amaro M. Carvalho, , OP039, ,
Encore un nouvel intérêt au fibroscan ?Procopet, Bogdan, Cluj-Napoca. HVPG and transient elastography are the best prognostic factor in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma submitted to hepatic resection. OP 121
Pancréatites aigues et statines : info ou intox ?STATINS AND RISK OF ACUTE PANCREATITIS - A META-ANALYSIS OF OBSERVATIONAL STUDIES, , G. Poropat L. Archibugi T. Korpela K. Cardenas-Jaen E. De-Madaria G. Capurso, , Presentation Number, OP093,
Eradication d’Helicobacter Pylori : un bénéfice pour les sujets âgés ?W. Leung, I. Wong, E. Chan, A. Wong, K. Yeung, L. Chen, I. Wong, K. Cheung - Benefits of H. pylori eradication in preventing gastric cancer in the older population: Results from a population-based study., Presentation Number OP004,